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Why Your SmartPhone Usually Get Hot - General [SOLUTION]

Mobile Phone

I know you have come across many smartphones that get hot especially during usage and without use. Many batteries would just go down, discharging all the remaining charge even without you engaging them. I have seen android phones burning people's ears in the course of making phone calls. Another funny but unfortunate scene is when your battery keeps discharging even during charging. The big question is how hot is too hot? Well the thing is this, if your Samsung, Iphone, Blackberry or Android phone is not warm or cold, then it is probably hot and this signals that there is a problem somewhere.Why Is My Smartphone Usually Hot And How Do I Fix it? -----» Running too many apps at the same time (especially those running in the background) is one main reason why most smartphones become hot. -----» To screen out some of the unuseful apps, go to Permissions on your Android, then go to settings>>>Click on Apps>>>Swipe to the left until you see “Running”. Just hit the Stop or Force stop button on apps that you are not using at the moment from the list of all apps running that is shown. -----» When you engage your phone for quite a long time, such as streaming videos, playing games for long and doing other heavy activities at the same time, your smartphone may overheat. -----» Setting your phone network to only 3G, only 3.5G or 4G will consume a lot of battery power. A better option is to always put your phone on EDGE and only switch it to H when you need to go online. -----» A bad battery can make your phone become increasingly hot during usage. -----» Make sure your smartphone is always in Airplane Mode whenever you are not engaging it. -----» All these tips do not apply to Android phones alone but to all smartphones. Avoid pressing your phone while it is being charged as the battery will discharge in the process.
Thank's for reading my article Why Your SmartPhone Usually Get Hot - General [SOLUTION]
Created at 2017-02-26 19:08:35
Tags: hot-phone , mobile , smart-phone , solution

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